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Corporate Engagement

SVA Finance offers the workshops for the employees of the Corporates/MSME to enhance their financial literacy. The businesses subscribe to SVA Finance course-packages as they believe in overall well-being of their employees and help them have live worry-free life by simple money management techniques.

Making Money Management Simple: Learning ABC of money management through deepening the understanding of the role of Income, Consumption, Saving and Investment and the inter-relation between them.

What are my Investment Options? An overview to the broad spectrum of options that includes Physical Assets like gold and property and financial Assets like Debt, Equity and Mutual Funds.

Is Gold a good investment option? Examining long term trends in Gold Prices. What is the return on investment?

Live Worry Free After Retirement. How much money is enough? Investing in Debt and Equity to maximize the returns and security. How to make a will.

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